Issues with getting the number of households with children in B&B accommodation for over 6 weeks

Posted about 2 months ago by Rupert Warren

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Rupert Warren


Are others struggling to get the number of households with children in B&B accommodation for over 6 weeks? 

In theory this should be easy to get from the 'Clients in TA report'. However, using the 'Days in Tenancy' isn’t great as it doesn’t pick up if they have moved from 1 B&B to another and have actually been in B&B for longer. Whilst the ‘Total days in Tenancy' also isn’t great as it can pick up time when the applicant was homeless at home (TA type = 'made own arrangements' or 'temporarily remains in property') and so can suggest a much longer time period. 

Effectively this means that we must manually check all households with dependent children who have a ‘Total Days in Tenancy’ over 42 days.

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