What else could we do with this forum

Posted 3 months ago by Jake Baker

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Jake Baker Admin

Hi all

Welcome to the new LocataPro community forums! 

We're really excited to finally roll out this feature. Our HPA2 community forums have allowed our users to post and answer hundreds of questions since HPA2 was launched, but they were never scalable or could be structured. We have over 16,000 users on our systems now, and we really want to leverage and lean into the community we have. 

These new forums will allow you to:

  • See updates on what's happening at Locata - Webinars, System changes and other events
  • Get advice:
    • Using your system
    • Configuring your system
    • General advice on your service areas (Homelessness, Allocations, etc)
    • How to answer Freedom of Information requests you may have received that other LAs are likely to also be working on
  • Give us feedback on the changes / improvements you'd like to see in systems
  • Have general discussions

So the first topic for general discussion I'd like to pose is: 

  • What else should we add / change about these new forums? 
  • What ideas do you have to increase the number of users who utilise them?

I'm looking forward to hearing your ideas!


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